2002-10-13 [長年日記]
λ. RubyRDF
An experimental RDF system implemented in Ruby. It includes an
in-memory RDF graph implementation, as well as an SQL-based
implementation of the Squish RDF query language (requires
PostgreSQL). It does not include an RDF parser; basic support for RDF
parsing is provided by import of the N-Triples dump syntax from
external parsers, alongside (even more experimentally) wrappers for an
XSLT RDF parser (requires XSLT). It exists to support a number of
prototype 'Semantic Web' applications. These are mostly RDFWeb or W3C
Semantic Web projects, and include Photo metadata (with SVG), software
metadata (RAA/Rdoc etc.), project planning and scheduling, RSS
syndication and anti-spam whitelist exchange. The interfaces shouldn't
be considered stable until several of these applications work
nicely. Ruby-RDF is 'semantic web vapourware', use with caution :)
> 前田愛ってタレントじゃない?<br><br>この人かな。<br>http://www.granpapa.com/production/maeda-ai/<br><br>> 僕もよく知らない。<br>> 最近アニメ見て無いので、気付けば知ってる声優はみなひと昔前の方々です。<br><br>そういえば僕も最近アニメあんまし見てないなぁ。<br>ときどき「犬夜叉」を見てるくらい。<br><br>> あーでもキングゲイナーは見てます。よいです。おすすめ。<br><br>http://www.king-gainer.net/<br>ですね。カプコンっぽくて良いなぁ。<br>でもWOWOWか……<br><br>> ロジックとは無縁ですけどね。<br><br>何故にロジック?