2008-04-27 [長年日記]
λ. “Checking Race Freedom via Linear Programming” by Tachio Terauchi
We present a new static analysis for race freedom and race detection. The analysis checks race freedom by reducing the problem to (rational) linear programming. Unlike conventional static analyses for race freedom or race detection, our analysis avoids explicit computation of locksets and lock linearity/must-aliasness. Our analysis can handle a variety of synchronization idioms that more conventional approaches often have difficulties with, such as thread joining, semaphores, and signals. We achieve efficiency by utilizing modern linear programming solvers that can quickly solve large linear programming instances. This paper reports on the formal properties of the analysis and the experience with applying an implementation to real world C programs.
を読んだ。先日のPPL2008で発表されていたもの。そのときはちょっと良く分からなかったのだけど、改めて読んでみるとやっぱり面白いなぁ。線形計画法(linear programming)をこんなことに使えるなんて思いもよらなかった。
C言語とpthreadで書かれたプログラムを検証するためのプロトタイプが実装済み。フロントエンドしてCILを使い、線形計画法のソルバにはGLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit)を使っている。