2004-01-21 [長年日記]
λ. ようやく一息つける。あともうひと踏ん張りか。
λ. 「Windows Services for UNIX」v3.5 日本語版を無償公開
λ. YAMLとかN-TriplesとかN3とか
「XML : YAML」という関係と、「RDF/XML : RDF/N-Triples」「RDF/XML : RDF/N3」という関係には類似点はあるか?
λ. Java Curses Library (JCurses)
The Java Curses Library is a library, that makes is possible to create text
based terminal applications with Java programming language, like curses under
Unix. For this purpose a windowing toolkit is implemented, that, like AWT,
consists of many classes for text based windows and GUI elements, that are
layouted within these windows. An application,that bases on the library,
creates one or more of this windows and reacts on events coming by user
interactions with GUI elements.