2008-12-29 [長年日記]
λ. 『たのしいムーミン一家』 Tove Jansson
たのしいムーミン一家 [英語版ルビ訳付] 講談社ルビー・ブックス(トーベ ヤンソン/Tove Jansson/Elizabeth Portch/エリザベス ポーチ) を読了。 昔観たアニメ版は基本的にほのぼのしたイメージだった記憶しかないのだけど、この原作はちょっと奇妙で不気味なイメージもあって、違いが面白い。
Quotation (pp.144-145)
‘We sat just like this in the spring,’ said Moomintroll. ‘Do you remember, we had woken up from our winter sleep and it was the very first day? All the others were still asleep.’
Snufkin nodded. He was busy making reed boats and sailing them down the river.
‘Where are they going?’ asked Moomintroll.
‘To places where I'm not,’ Snufkin answered as, one after another, the little boats swirled away round the bend of the river and disappeared.