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2006-07-28 [長年日記]

λ. アルゴリズム勉強会

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3 Sorting and Searching Second Edition 日本語版 (Ascii Addison Wesley programming series)(ドナルド・E. クヌース/Donald E. Knuth/有澤 誠/和田 英一)

Some members of our research group are thinking that we need to study and improve our knowledge of computer science, as we sometimes feels lacks of basic knowledge. So we have been planning to held seminar to study algorithms in the upcoming summer vacation. Today we had the first offline meeting and chose which text to use. My opinion was to use lecture notes of Advanced Algorithms Course at MIT. But we decided to use D.Knuth's famous book “The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3: Sorting and Searching” (Japanese Edition). I was slightly unpleasant since I don't like Knuth :-P

Tags: tom

λ. Happy SAAD!

I heard that today is System Administrator Appreciation Day, also known as Sysadmin Day or SAAD. See <URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Administrator_Appreciation_Day> for details. But who knows this day?

λ. 『4日で学ぶモデル検査』

4日で学ぶモデル検査 (初級編) (CVS教程 (1))(産業技術総合研究所システム検証研究センター) すこし前のkmt-tさんの日記で知って生協で注文していたのを受け取った。 時相論理についての基本的な知識はあると思うので、ツールの使い方やモデル化のノウハウを知るために読むつもり。パラパラ見た感じでは中身は想像していたよりずいぶん簡単そう。読むだけならすぐ読み終わりそうだけど、後でSPINとNuSMVをインストールしてから読む。



本日のツッコミ(全2件) [ツッコミを入れる]
ψ takot (2006-07-29 23:21)

I've known SAAD for a few years because it's introduced at /.

ψ さかい (2006-07-31 13:31)

Thank you for commenting in English and letting me know that. BTW, it seems that many other jobs don't have such a day. Is sysadmin tougher than them so that it needs such a day?