2002-08-27 [長年日記]
λ. 生保の予定利率下げ
λ. 夢
λ. コンパイル猿
The following unix-style calls are supported: open ("/dev/windows", flags, mode=0) - create a unix fd for message queue. O_NONBLOCK flag controls the read() call behavior. read (fd, buf, len) - return next message from queue. buf must point to MSG structure, len must be >= sizeof (MSG). If read is set to non-blocking and the queue is empty, read call returns -1 immediately with errno set to EAGAIN, otherwise it blocks untill the message will be received. write (fd, buf, len) - send a message pointed by buf. len argument ignored. ioctl (fd, command, *param) - control read()/write() behavior. ioctl (fd, WINDOWS_POST, NULL): write() will PostMessage(); ioctl (fd, WINDOWS_SEND, NULL): write() will SendMessage(); ioctl (fd, WINDOWS_HWND, &hWnd): read() messages for hWnd window. select () call marks read fd when any message posted to queue.
撤退するはずが…… (苦笑)
λ. denotational semantics
ふむふむ。ものすごく難解な数式には見えない気がするけど、Algebraic Specification や Categorical Specification Language も denotational semantics なのかなぁ……
【2006-04-14追記】 コメント欄を参照。Algebraic Specification や Categorical Specification Language 自体は denotational semantics ではない。
λ. 地産が更生法申請
少し調べてみました。<br><br>代数的仕様といっても、<br>Algebraic specification 的なものではなくて、<br>むしろ Domain theory 的なものを指すのかな……<br><br>"A Categorical Programming Language" の論文でも<br><br>Algebraic specification methods were first developed to describe what<br>programs do. They are not like operational semantics or denotational<br>semantics. These semantics also describe what programs do but in a<br>different way. They describe it by giving meaning to each part of<br>programs. They need to know how programs are written, that is, they<br>need actual codes. Whereas, algebraic specification methods never talk<br>about how programs are implemented. They describe their behaviour<br>abstractly viewing from outside.<br><br>とか、<br><br>Domain theory was started with denotational semantics [Stoy 77, Scott<br>76]. In order to give denotational semantics to programs, we need<br>several domains to which the denotations are mapped. Those domains are<br>often interwoven and recursively defined. The most famous example of<br>this is the following D.<br> D =~ D -> D<br>This domain D was necessary to give denotational semantics to the<br>untyped lambda calculus. In general, we would like to solve the<br>following domain equation:<br> D =~ F(D)<br>where F(D) is a domain expression involving D.<br><br>とか書いてありました。<br># 「=~」は同型記号のつもり<br><br>> スタックの奴はちょっと他のと記憶が混じったかも.十分に<br>> 意味が記述できてるんだか検証できなさそうに見えるし.<br><br>このスタックの定義はAlgebraic specificationっぽいですね。<br>上記論文では Algebraic specification に基づいたCLEARという言語が<br>紹介されていて、以下のようなリストの定義が載ってました。<br><br>constant List =<br> theory<br> sorts element, list<br> opns nil : list<br> cons : element, list -> list<br> head : list -> element<br> tail : list -> list<br> eqns all e : element, l : list, head(cons(e,l)) = e<br> all e : element, l : list, tail(cons(e,l)) = l<br> endth<br><br>> 再帰的な関数の意味付けとかやりだすと浮動点定理を引っ張<br>> りだしてきたり,ってことになるようです. <br><br>この辺りの話は良く聞くのですが、僕はまだ良く分かってなかったり。<br>lattice theory や domain theory ってすっごく重要だと思うのですが、<br>なかなかきっかけが無くて……<br><br># きっと、原さんとかはこの辺り詳しいんだろうなぁ。<br># ……とか書いてみる。