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2005-07-12 [長年日記]

λ. 人狼BBS:Z

「人狼BBS 一周年企画」らしい。何か凄いことになっとる。モリーッツ!

Tags: 人狼

λ. 『さらば外務省!—私は小泉首相と売国官僚を許さない』, 天木 直人

さらば外務省!―私は小泉首相と売国官僚を許さない(天木 直人) を読んだ。はっきりいって下らない。


λ. Yicho: A Combinator Library for Program Calculation

Yicho is a monadic combinator library for supporting declarative specification of program transformation in Haskell. The combinator library uses higher-order patterns as first-class values which can be passed as parameters, constructed by smaller ones in compositional way, and returned as values. As a result, our library provides more flexible binding than simple ones, and enables more abstract and modular description of program transformation. Our library is developed by Template Haskell, a meta extension to Haskell 98.


Tags: haskell
本日のツッコミ(全1件) [ツッコミを入れる]
ψ takot (2005-07-12 13:06)
