2008-06-08 [長年日記]
λ. “A constructive proof of equivalence of formalism od DCG's with the formalism of type 0 phrase-structure grammars” by Marica D. Prešić and Slavisa B. Prešić
We present a proof that definite clause grammars (DCG's) are equivalent in their generative power to type 0 phrase-structure grammars. The proof is constructive and it actually describes an algorithm for transferring from a language description by type 0 grammar to DCG characterization. The proof has been inspired by the proof given in [MA93] but our approach is considerably simpler and the constructed DCG grammar is much more efficient. The paper also suggests how computer implementation of the algorithm can be developed.
以前にTwitterで「DCGの言語クラスはtype-0」と書いたときに持ち出した論文を読んだ*1。 記法がよく分からないのだけど、引数の項で記号列を持って、書き換え規則を全て引数の項を書き換える形の規則にするということか。 そうすると、確かに0型文法をDCGで表現すること自体は自明だが、そのままだとProlog等の深さ優先でのSLD導出じゃちゃんと列挙出来ないのでは?*2
λ. 風神録Normalを魔理沙(B)で初クリア
東方風神録 リプレイファイル情報 Version 1.00a Name hiro Date 08/06/08 23:22 Chara MarisaB Rank Normal Stage All Clear Score 29768812 Slow Rate 0.18