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2006-04-29 昭和節 [長年日記]

λ. javascriptでRDFをパース

やっぱし、やっている人はいるもんだな。 何かに使えそうな気がするのでメモ。

Tags: javascript

λ. (forall x. ((x->r)->r)->x) -> Either a (a->r)



  1. 「(forall x. ((x->r)->r)->x) -> Either a (a->r)」という型を持つ関数を定義せよ。(ただし⊥が途中で現れたりする定義は禁止)
  2. この関数は何を表しているのだろうか?



notNotEM :: ((Either a (a->r)) -> r) -> r
notNotEM k = k (Right (\a -> k (Left a)))

dn2EM :: (forall x. ((x->r)->r)->x) -> Either a (a->r)
dn2EM dn = dn notNotEM

で、これが表しているのは何かだが……二重否定除去規則から排中律(The Law of excluded middle)を導く証明の計算的な表現だったりする。型はちょっと一般化してあるので、以下のようにより具体的な型にすると分かり易いかも*1

data Absurd
type Not p = p -> Absurd
type Or = Either

notNotEM :: Not (Not (p `Or` Not p))  
dn2EM :: (forall x. Not (Not x) -> x) -> p `Or` Not p


[1: P]
------------- (∨I左)
  P ∨ ¬P              [2: ¬(P ∨ ¬P)]
------------------------------------------- (¬E)
------------- (¬I{1})
------------- (∨I右)
  P ∨ ¬ P             [2: ¬(P ∨ ¬P)]
------------------------------------------- (¬E)
------------------ (¬I{2})
  ¬¬(P ∨ ¬P)
------------------ (¬¬E)
  P ∨ ¬P




(define (left x)  (list #t x))
(define (right x) (list #f x))

  (lambda (k) (k (right (lambda (a) (k (left a)))))))

しかし、それにしても奇妙な定義と振る舞いである。これに関係して、Philip Wadler, Call-by-value is dual to call-by-name. Proc. ICFP 2003, pp. 189-201. <URL:http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/dual.html> に載っていたお伽噺が面白かったので、引用する。

Once upon a time, the devil approached a man and made an offer: “Either (a) I will give you one billion dollars, or (b) I will grant you any wish if you pay me one billion dollars. Of course, I get to choose whether I offer (a) or (b).”

The man was wary. Did he need to sign over his soul? No, said the devil, all the man need do is accept the offer.

The man pondered. If he was offered (b) it was unlikely that he would ever be able to buy the wish, but what was the harm in having the opportunity available?

“I accept,” said the man at last. “Do I get (a) or (b)?”

The devil paused. “I choose (b).”

The man was disappointed but not surprised. That was that, he thought. But the offer gnawed at him. Imagine what he could do with his wish! Many years passed, and the man began to accumulate money. To get the money he sometimes did bad things, and dimly he realized that this must be what the devil had in mind. Eventually he had his billion dollars, and the devil appeared again.

“Here is a billion dollars,” said the man, handing over a valise containing the money. “Grant me my wish!”

The devil took possession of the valise. Then he said,“Oh, did I say (b) before? I’m so sorry. I meant (a). It is my great pleasure to give you one billion dollars.” And the devil handed back to the man the same valise that the man had just handed to him.


*1 データ構築子を持たない型はGHCの拡張機能なので注意。拡張機能を使わない場合は「newtype Absurd = Absurd Absurd」とすればいい。

*2 ちなみに、一番上の仮定が左により過ぎているのはRD形式の制約ゆえ。何とかする方法はないものか。

*3 Schemeで値にタグを付けたいときはどうするのが良いんだろう? Schemeエキスパートのアドバイスを請う

本日のツッコミ(全5件) [ツッコミを入れる]
ψ mput (2006-05-06 19:46)


ψ さかい (2006-05-06 20:39)


ψ mput (2006-05-07 01:43)

同僚というか先輩が以下のを発見したのですが。<br>(ここインデント大丈夫かな)<br>f xrrx = case (f xrrx) of<br> Left a -> Right ar<br> where<br> ar _ = xrr (\_ -> ar a)<br> xrr xr = xr (xrrx xrr)<br> Right ar -> Right ar<br>推論させると(((t -> t1) -> t1) -> t) -> Either a (a -> t1)になります。

ψ koyama41 (2006-05-07 01:49)

はじめまして、mputさんの同僚(or先輩?)です。<br>くだんの回答は、<br>「型理論も証明の世界もなーんも知らん人間」が<br>「ただひたすら ghci -fglasgow-exts に型推論させて一致させてみる」<br>ことだけを目的に書いたもんです。<br>が、やっぱ forall x. は出てきませんし、<br>そもそも正解を型推論させてもあの型にはならないので、<br>こんなアプローチでがんばっても無駄でしたねえ…^^;

ψ さかい (2006-05-07 08:51)
