2008-07-10 [長年日記]
λ. “Reasoning support for Semantic Web ontology family languages using Alloy” by Hai H. Wang, Jin Song Dong, Jing Sun and Jun Sun
Semantic Web (SW), commonly regarded as the next generation of the Web, is an emerging vision of the new Web from the Knowledge Representation and the Web communities. To realize this vision, a series of techniques has been proposed. Semantic Web Ontology Langauge (OWL) and its extension Semantic Web rule Language (SWRL) and Semantic Web Logic Language (SWRL-FOL) are some of the most important outputs from the SW activities. However the existing reasoning and consistency checking tools for those languages are primitive. This paper proposes using the existing formal modelling tool, in particular Alloy, to provide an automatic reasoning service for the Semantic Web ontology family languages (OWL/SWRL/SWRL-FOL).
ふと、「OWL から Alloy に変換して Alloy Analyzer を推論に活用したら面白いんじゃなかろうか。両方とも二項関係がベースだし、Semantic Web では厳密な推論よりは実用性が重要から、相性良さそうだし」とか思ったのだけど、探したらやってる人は既がいた。残念。
Alloyへの変換は straight forward だけど、当時の Alloy は今と少し違っていて、extend した signature 同士を排反(disjoint)にするために、明示的に disj を書く必要があったようだ。