SAKAI Masahiro - hsPTQ Diff

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= hsPTQ

hsPTQ is an implementation of Montague's PTQ written in Haskell.
It translate a subset of English declarative sentences into formulas of intensional logic IL.

== Demo
* ((<URL:>))
# *
# * ((<URL:>))

== Download

* Download
  * ((<PTQ-0.0.5.tar.gz|URL:>))
  * ((<PTQ-0.0.4.tar.gz|URL:>))
  * ((<hsPTQ-0.0.3.tar.gz|URL:>))
  * ((<files:hsPTQ-0.0.2.tar.gz>))
* ((<"HackageDB:PTQ"|URL:>))
* ((<github|URL:>))

* Proper treatment of meaning postulates.
* Model finding

== Talk

* ((<"自然言語をラムダ式で解釈する体系PTQのHaskell実装"|URL:/d/20091120.html#p01>)) (Lightning Talk @ Haskell Night; in Japanse)

== Bibliography
* ((<PTQ demo in Prolog|URL:>)) (Japanese)
* About PTQ and Montague grammer
  * ((<"Montague grammar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"|URL:>))
  * ((<"言語の意味論(2006)"|URL:>)) (Japanese)
  * ((<URL:>)) (Japanese)
  * ((<UG とPTQ の概要|URL:>)) (Japanese)
