2004-05-11 [長年日記]
λ. "Types for Verification"
ワークショップの"Types for Verification"一日目。5時起き。7時半羽田発8時半伊丹。園田駅で反対側の出口に出てしまったりもしたけれど、なんとか始まる前に着くことが出来た。それはそうと、関西ではスイカもパスネットもバスカードも使えないのか……なんかほんと遠くにきたって感じだ。
λ. Per Martin-Löf (Stockholm University, on sabbatical at Sato-Lab, Kyoto U.) "100 years of Zermelo's axiom of choice: what was the problem with it?"
An analysis of Zermelo's axiom of choice in constructive type
theory reveals that the problem with it is not the existence of the
choice function but the extensionality of it, which is not visible
in an extensional framework where all functions are by definition
"Intuitionistic Type Theory"にも選択公理の話は少しは出ていたはずなのだけど、すっかり忘れている私。まずいなー。(追記予定)
後で聞いた話によると、この話は3月に三田で話した内容とほぼ同じだとか(Proof Theory and its Applicationsに関する合同セミナーかな)。
【追記】 http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/49/3/345も参照。というか、後で読む。
λ. Masahiko Sato (佐藤 雅彦) (Kyoto University) "A simple theory of expressions"
We propose a framework called Natural Framework, which is used to
present mathematics in a formal and convenient way. We are
particularly interested in formalizing not only ordinary
mathematics but also metamathematics. In this talk, we present a
simple theory of expressions which we use as the underlying
framework for Natural Framework.
λ. Peter Dybjer (Chalmers University of Technology, visiting AIST CVS) "Martin-LöF type theory and the logic of functional programs"
Martin-Löf type theory is a foundational framework for
constructive mathematics and computer programming which is based on
the Curry-Howard interpretation of propositions as types. This
interpretation can be extended to an interpretation of Heyting
arithmetic can in Martin-Löf type theory. In the opposite direction
we have the interpretation of Martin-Löf type theory in a
first-order theory of combinators given by Aczel 1974. This
interpretation is closely related to the informal meaning
explanations underlying Martin-Löf type theory.
In this talk I will review Aczel's interpretation and discuss its
relevance for the CoVer project (Combining Verification Methods in
Software Developement). The goal of this project is to build a tool
where functional programs can be verified by a combination of
testing and interactive and automatic theorem proving. The
functional programs are written in Haskell and thus the underlying
logic need to contain inference rules for reasoning about general
recursive and lazy programs, and I will discuss some possible
λ. John Hughes (Chalmers University of Technology, visiting AIST CVS) "Random Testing with QuickCheck"
One important use of formal specifications is in software testing:
specifications can be used both as test oracles, and also for test
case selection. The latter may require manual analysis of the
specification, though, making this step relatively costly and
In this talk I will describe a tool we have developed, which
provides a restricted (but surprisingly powerful) formal
specification language in which specifications can be interpreted
directly as test suites. The key idea is to interpret universal
quantification in properties as random test case generation. The
tool works well in practice, and the ideas have been used to test
functional, imperative, and concurrent code. The original
implementation is now distributed along with the standard Haskell
compilers, and the ideas have been ported to (at least) ML, Scheme,
Erlang, Python, and Mercury.
QuickCheckの紹介。 QuickCheckのアイディア自体は非常に単純。QuickCheckはテストのためのフレームワークなのだけど、個々のテストデータはユーザが記述するのではなく、システムがランダムに自動生成する。そして、ユーザによって記述された性質が、それらのランダムに生成されたテストデータに対して満たされているかをチェックする。もちろん、実際には色々な問題があるのだけど、それらはHaskellらしい方法で解決されてる。(追記予定)
Erlang, C. Scheme, Common Lisp, Python, Mercury, ML, ... に移植されているそうだ。Pythonに負けるのは癪なのでRubyにも移植しよう。
λ. Yoshiki Kinoshita (AIST Research Center for Verification and Semantics) "Is modal mu calculus enough for verifying reactive systems?"
> 関西ではスイカもパスネットもバスカードも使えないのか<br><br>スイカはもうすぐ使えるようになります.もうすぐ.<br><br>東の田舎ではイコカ(JR)もJスルー(JRと近鉄とバス)もスルッとKANSAI(関西私鉄)も使えないのですよー.<br>http://www.jr-odekake.net/guide/info_9.html
追記予定って予定のままですか? 追記されるのを楽しみに待っているのですが……。