SAKAI Masahiro - StudyGroups Diff

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= 勉強会など


== Study group of category theory (圏論勉強会): 2004 - 2012

Category theory is a highly general and abstract mathematical
theory, which has applications not only in mathematics but also
in theoretical computer science, functional programming,
physics, linguistics and many other fields. I was one of core
members of the study group and we had studied following

* “Conceptual Mathematics: A First Introduction to Categories”
  by F. William Lawvere and Stephen Hoel Schanuel,
* “Categories, Types, and Structures: An Introduction to
  Category Theory for the Working Computer Scientist”
  by Andrea Asperti and Giuseppe Longo,
* “The Haskell Programmer's Guide to the IO Monad -- Don't
  Panic” by Stefan Klinger,
* “Temperley-Lieb Algebra: From Knot Theory to Logic and
  Computation via Quantum Mechanics”
  by Samson Abramsky
* “A survey of graphical languages for monoidal categories”
  by Peter Selinger
* “Categorical Logic and Type Theory”
  by Bart Jacobs.

There is an Japanese article about this study group:
“Technical Study Session Map in Japan - Join a Live Session
of Engineers!”, 情報処理, Vol.52, No.4, Apr. 2011.

== RHG reading group (RHG読書会): 2003 - 2009

This study group was a group of programming language geeks.
It was started initially as a study group of reading
“Rubyソースコード完全解説” (known as “Ruby Hacking Guide”),
but eventually we have studied many programming and
programming language related books/materials:

* YARV (Ruby >=1.9 VM),
* なでしこ (a Japanese programming language),
* MinCaml,
* “ふつうのLinuxプログラミング--Linuxの仕組みから学べるgccプログラミングの王道”,
* “ふつうのHaskellプログラミング--ふつうのプログラマのための関数型言語入門”,
* “入門JavaScript”,
* “実践Common Lisp” (Japanese translation of “Practical Common Lisp”),
* “ふつうのコンパイラをつくろう--言語処理系をつくりながら学ぶコンパイルと実行環境の仕組み”.