SAKAI Masahiro - Gimp Diff

  • Added parts are displayed like this.
  • Deleted parts are displayed like this.

= Gimp


== Included modules:

* ((<Gimp::Enums>))

== Constants:




--- Gimp::VERSION


--- Gimp::ENABLE_NLS

    pixel sizes

    pixel sizes

    dots per inch

    dots per inch

--- Gimp::CHECK_SIZE
    the size of the checks which indicate transparency...

    the size of the checks which indicate transparency...

--- Gimp::CHECK_DARK


== Singlton Methods:

--- Gimp.major_version

--- Gimp.minor_version

--- Gimp.micro_version


    Returns the user-specific GIMP settings directory. If the environment
    variable GIMP_DIRECTORY exists, it is used. If it is an absolute path,
    it is used as is.  If it is a relative path, it is taken to be a
    subdirectory of the home directory. If it is relative path, and no home
    directory can be determined, it is taken to be a subdirectory of
    The usual case is that no GIMP_DIRECTORY environment variable exists,
    and then we use the GIMPDIR subdirectory of the home directory. If no
    home directory exists, we use a per-user subdirectory of
    In any case, we always return some non-empty string, whether it
    corresponds to an existing directory or not.
    Returns: The user-specific GIMP settings directory.

--- Gimp.personal_rc_file(basename)

    basename: The basename of a rc_file.
    Returns: The name of a file in the user-specific GIMP settings directory.

--- Gimp.data_directory

    Returns the top directory for GIMP data. If the environment variable
    GIMP_DATADIR exists, that is used.  It should be an absolute pathname.
    Otherwise, on Unix the compile-time defined directory is used.  On
    Win32, the installation directory as deduced from the executable's
    name is used.
    Returns: The top directory for GIMP data.

--- Gimp.sysconf_directory

    Returns the top directory for GIMP config files. If the environment
    variable GIMP_SYSCONFDIR exists, that is used.  It should be an
    absolute pathname.  Otherwise, on Unix the compile-time defined
    directory is used.  On Win32, the installation directory as deduced
    from the executable's name is used.

    Returns: The top directory for GIMP config files.


--- Gimp.gtkrc

    Returns the name of the GIMP's application-specific gtkrc file.

--- Gimp.default_display
    Returns the default ((<Gimp::Display>)) (given at plug-in config time).

--- Gimp.gamma

--- Gimp.install_cmap

--- Gimp.use_xshm

--- Gimp.color_cube

--- Gimp.min_colors

--- Gimp.progname

== Module Functions:

Procedual DataBase に登録されている関数をモジュール関数として呼び出すことが
* ((<Gimp::PDB::ExecutionError>))
* ((<Gimp::PDB::CallingError>))
* ((<Gimp::PDB::Cancel>))
* ((<Gimp::PDB::PassThrough>))

--- Gimp.main
    The main procedure.

--- Gimp.install_procedure(name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menu_path, image_types, type, nparams, nreturn_vals, params, return_vals)
    Install a procedure in the procedure database.

--- Gimp.install_temp_proc(name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menu_path, image_types, type, nparams, nreturn_vals, params, return_vals, proc)
    Install a temporary procedure in the procedure database.

--- Gimp.uninstall_temp_proc
    Uninstall a temporary procedure

--- Gimp.gettext


--- Gimp.CHECK_VERSION(major, minor, micro)

--- Gimp.strescape(source, exception = nil)

    source: A string to escape special characters in.
    exceptions: A string holding characters not to be escaped.
    Escapes special characters in a string in the same way as in the
    C language, i.e. either with one of the sequences \b, \f, \n, \r,
    \t, \\, \", or as a three-digit octal escape sequence \nnn.
    If the list of exceptions is NULL, all ASCII control characters,
    the backslash character, the double-quote character, and all
    non-ASCII characters are escaped.
    If glib > 1.3 is installed this function is identical to
    g_strescape(). For systems using glib-1.2 this function provides the
    added functionality from glib-1.3.

--- Gimp.strecompress(source)

    source: A string to that has special characters escaped.
    Does the opposite of g_strescape(), that is it converts escaped
    characters back to their unescaped form.
    Escaped characters are either one of the sequences \b, \f, \n, \r,
    \t, \\, \", or a three-digit octal escape sequence \nnn.
    If glib > 1.3 is installed this function is identical to
    g_strcompress(). For systems using glib-1.2 this function provides
    the functionality from glib-1.3.

--- Gimp.extension_ack

    Send an extension initialization acknowledgement

--- Gimp.extension_process


--- Gimp.register(name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes = "", params = [], results = [])


    paramsとresultsの要素は[type, name, description, default [, extra]]という

        実数。extraは[value, lower, upper, step_increment, page_increment,
        page_size, is_spin = false]です。


                   "Creates a logo like a raindrop",
                   "Creates a logo like a raindrop",
                   "Iccii <>",
                   "Copyright 2001, Iccii",
                   "Feb, 2001",
                   "<Image>/Ruby-Fu/Alpha to Logo/Rain drop...",
                     [RF_IMAGE,      "image", "Image"],
                     [RF_DRAWABLE,   "drawable", "Drawable"],
                     [RF_COLOR,      "text_color", "Text Color",
                      Color(0, 63, 255)],
                     [RF_COLOR,      "bg_color", "Background Color",
                      Color(0, 127, 255)],
                     [RF_ADJUSTMENT, "light", "Lighting (degrees)",
                      45, [0, 360, 1, 10, 0, 0]],
                     [RF_ADJUSTMENT, "blur", "Blur Radius",
                      10, [1, 63, 1, 5, 0, 0]],
                     [RF_ADJUSTMENT, "hilight_width", "Highlight Width (%)",
                      30, [0, 100, 1, 5, 0, 0]],
                     [RF_ADJUSTMENT, "hilight_offset", "Highlight Offset",
                      3, [0, 50, 1, 5, 0, 1]],
                     [RF_ADJUSTMENT, "shadow_offset", "Shadow Offset",
                      5, [0, 50, 1, 5, 0, 1]],
                     [RF_TOGGLE,     "antialias", "Antialias", true]



              "Evaluate ruby code",
              "Evaluate ruby code",
              "Masahiro Sakai",
              "Copyright (c) 2001  Masahiro Sakai",
              "Feb 2001",
              [[RF_STRING, "code", "Code to eval", "", [true]]],

    : RF_COLOR



    : RF_IMAGE


    : RF_LAYER



    : RF_FONT


    : RF_BRUSH



    : RF_UNIT
        extra = [format, unit, show_pixels, show_percent, show_custom]

--- Gimp.register(name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes = "", params = [], results = [])


--- Gimp.register(name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes = "", params = [], results = [], callable)


--- Gimp.register(name, blurb, help, author, copyright, date, menupath, imagetypes = "", params = [], results = []){|*args|... }
