SAKAI Masahiro - MasterThesis Diff
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= 題目
= Title
Fusion Transformations Applicable to Non-Strict Functions
= 概要
「圏Cと圏Dの間に関手 F: C→D と
関手G: D→Cが与えられたとき、
FG: D→C の始代数が存在することと
GF: C→D の始代数が存在することとが同値であること」を示す。
そして、それを用いて「任意の関数 f: A→B に対して F(f) が常に正格であるならば、FはCPOと連続関数の圏においても始代数を持つ」ことを示す。
= Abstract
Functional languages attract broad interest and importance of program transformations (especially fusion transformations) rises as techniques of functional language optimization.
Purely functional languages like Haskell are referentially transparent.
If a referentialy transparent language contains undefined values or non-terminating computations, its mathematical model is a category that contains non-strict functions: funcions defined on undefined input value.
Although recursive data types can be interpreted as initial algebras in the category of CPO and strict continuous functions, in general they cannot be interpreted as initial algebra in the category of CPO and arbitrary continuous functions. On the other hand, some program transformations depend on the initiality of data types. Therefore, targets of such transformations are restricted to strict functions.
This paper aims to achieve fusion transformations applicable to all functions (not restricted to strict ones). We show an condition which guarantees recursive data types are indeed initial algebras.
To prove this, we first show an general theorem:
given functors F: C→D and G: D→C,
initial algebra of FG: D→C exists if and only if
initial algebra of GF: C→D exists.
Then we use the theorem to show that initial algebra of F exists in the category of CPO and continuous functions if F(f) is strict for all f. This condition covers most familiar data types.
Additionally, we apply this to data types of Haskell. We also show a condition which guarantees that nested data types are indeed initial algebras in the certain variant of functor category.
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= Slide
# * ((<slide.ppt|URL:>))
* ((<slide.ppt|URL:>))
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* ((<slide.pdf|URL:>))
= bibtex
@mastersthesis { sakai2007fusion ,
author = "酒井 政裕",
yomi = "Masahiro Sakai",
title = "非正格関数に対して適用可能な融合変換",
year = "2007",
month = "January",
school = "慶應義塾大学 政策・メディア研究科",
url ="","",
= Misc
* ((<ヒビルテ - 秋学期修士最終試験|d:20070202#p01>))
= Title
Fusion Transformations Applicable to Non-Strict Functions
= 概要
「圏Cと圏Dの間に関手 F: C→D と
関手G: D→Cが与えられたとき、
FG: D→C の始代数が存在することと
GF: C→D の始代数が存在することとが同値であること」を示す。
そして、それを用いて「任意の関数 f: A→B に対して F(f) が常に正格であるならば、FはCPOと連続関数の圏においても始代数を持つ」ことを示す。
= Abstract
Functional languages attract broad interest and importance of program transformations (especially fusion transformations) rises as techniques of functional language optimization.
Purely functional languages like Haskell are referentially transparent.
If a referentialy transparent language contains undefined values or non-terminating computations, its mathematical model is a category that contains non-strict functions: funcions defined on undefined input value.
Although recursive data types can be interpreted as initial algebras in the category of CPO and strict continuous functions, in general they cannot be interpreted as initial algebra in the category of CPO and arbitrary continuous functions. On the other hand, some program transformations depend on the initiality of data types. Therefore, targets of such transformations are restricted to strict functions.
This paper aims to achieve fusion transformations applicable to all functions (not restricted to strict ones). We show an condition which guarantees recursive data types are indeed initial algebras.
To prove this, we first show an general theorem:
given functors F: C→D and G: D→C,
initial algebra of FG: D→C exists if and only if
initial algebra of GF: C→D exists.
Then we use the theorem to show that initial algebra of F exists in the category of CPO and continuous functions if F(f) is strict for all f. This condition covers most familiar data types.
Additionally, we apply this to data types of Haskell. We also show a condition which guarantees that nested data types are indeed initial algebras in the certain variant of functor category.
= Download
# * ((<MaterThesis.pdf|URL:>))
* ((<MaterThesis.pdf|URL:>))
* (((<Scribd|URL:>)))
= Slide
# * ((<slide.ppt|URL:>))
* ((<slide.ppt|URL:>))
# * ((<slide.pdf|URL:>))
* ((<slide.pdf|URL:>))
= bibtex
@mastersthesis { sakai2007fusion ,
author = "酒井 政裕",
yomi = "Masahiro Sakai",
title = "非正格関数に対して適用可能な融合変換",
year = "2007",
month = "January",
school = "慶應義塾大学 政策・メディア研究科",
url =
= Misc
* ((<ヒビルテ - 秋学期修士最終試験|d:20070202#p01>))