QUBlT ENL さんが最初に共有した投稿"He who conquers others is strong; he who conquers himself is mighty"
-老子/Lao Tzu
Operation: Jade Dragon II - 26 Billion MUs
03 June 2017
Enlightened agents from China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Russia and Singapore created multiple control fields over a big part of Asia. Initially codenamed "Jader Dragon", the operation sought to improve on the operation on Sept 20th, 2015 that captured 7.45 billion Mind Units or MUs.
The fields were anchored in Kashgar (China), Manado (Indonesia) and Kamchatka (Russia). Each control field captured around 1.13 billion MUs for the Enlightened. The operation was a highly cooperative regional effort as multiple communities from different locations in the region worked together to spread the influence of the Shapers with Exotic Matter.
Thanks to all agents that contributed to this operation (full list to follow).
#JadeDragon #JaderDragon #JadeDragon2 #Ingress #Enlightened